Approximately 2200 years ago (Middle Yayoi Period), a large settlement suddenly appeared in a low-lying area of Nakazato, Odawara city. The site of Nakazato is a village of immigrants from Kinki region that brought the rice-farming technology.
In the Middle Yayoi Period, many rice farming settlements appeared in south Kanto region. But in the Late Yayoi Period, the number of ruins decreased dramatically in Kanagawa.
However, at Akasaka in Miura city (tip of Miura peninsula), large settlement continued because dwellers had good connection with other areas through the sea.
The researchers found out the site of Kanzaki is a village of immigrants from Tokai region. These immigrants came from the current eastern Aichi and western Shizuoka at the age of dramatic decrease of the ruins.
This exhibition shows the three main sites which opened up a new society of the Yayoi period in Kanagawa and also introduces the ancient remains that gave changes in the Yayoi society.
Kanagawa Archaeological Site Exhibition 2012 Kanagawa prefecture in the Yayoi period -Changes in immigrant's villages and Society-